Aligning Projects and People

The business of building is largely about aligning projects and people. Contractors exist to build projects. People design and build the projects. The management team, structure, and systems bring it all together.

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Delivering projects to customers is the foundation all contractors are built upon. This is the Project Value Stream (PVS) and a critical part of both strategic decisions and the contractor business model

People design, build, and maintain those projects. People provide all the critical support functions that allow a contractor to grow profitably and sustainably. This is the Talent Value Stream (TVS)

Holding all this together starting with the Foremen, Superintendents, and PMs are the managers. Management requires discipline to align people and projects, deliver consistent outcomes given inconsistent inputs, and develop people. 


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Structure, Decision Rights, and Information Systems
Alignment of strategy, management structure, decision rights, and information systems creates consistently good outcomes for growing contractors and faster development of talent.
Enabling Hierarchies are Critical for Success
Just about everything in life and business have hierarchies including people, principles, policies, strategies, plans, processes, and projects. These must evolve with growth and changing conditions while avoiding stifling levels of controls and ego.
Succession Planning at All Levels
If a construction company is growing at 15% per year, then it will double in size about every five years. Therefore, in general, every position must be training at least two people that will be capable of succeeding them within five years.