Leading vs Lagging

Clearly defining the outcome you want in clearly measurable terms is critically important so that you and everyone else knows exactly what winning looks like.

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Consider this at all levels of a contracting organization from the high-level vision of where you want the company to be in the next decade then broken down to the operational level and ultimately down to the job description level.

Leadership Tools: Focus on What You Can Control. Profit and Success are results of relentlessly executing of a few critical leading activities consistently.

When you get down to the job description level defining the top 3-8 very specific measurable outcomes is incredibly powerful because ultimately your are trading a certain amount of compensation and benefits (inputs) for some very specific outputs.  This is very difficult to define clearly and to integrate the various job role descriptions together into a cohesive organizational structure.  

It is such a challenge that it is easier to define the job descriptions in either a very general terms or a concise list of routine tasks to be done.  Both of these lead to sub-par performance in the long-term.  

As challenging as defining clear measurable outcomes is; that is the easiest part.  What truly makes an impact is defining the 1-3 Leading Activities with Measurable Performance Metrics that will lead to the successful outcome you are looking for.  Managing these leading activities relentlessly every day is what drives truly sustainable performance.

Job Role Complexity: Four Major Factors
Job roles have varying degrees of complexity requiring different types of people to fill the role. Understanding the four major factors will help with job role design, organizational structure, and selection of the person for the role.
Aligning Projects and People
The business of building is largely about aligning projects and people. Contractors exist to build projects. People design and build the projects. The management team, structure, and systems bring it all together.
TOOL: Leader Standard Work (LSW) Template for Field Managers
Excel format that you can use to standardize work across your field managers and synchronize that work internally and externally for optimal effectiveness. This tool will help develop your team faster and deliver projects more consistently.