Making Decisions Effectively

Contractors must invest in accelerating the development of leadership talent and a big part of leadership is about making the right decisions in difficult situations.

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The impact of the critical talent shortage in construction will continue to get worse.

Reading List: Learn How to Make Decisions Effectively. Book: Principles by Ray Dalio.

Principles by Ray Dalio is not only a great book but more importantly is the example of how it was created, how it is used, how it is refined (PDCA - Plan > Do > Check > Adjust) weekly and how it is formatted.

Every leader of a construction company should consider not only which of these principles apply to their business but more importantly how to start codifying then training others on their own decision making processes.  

What would it be worth for your company if you could accelerate the development of your leadership talent?

If you are nearing retirement age what would it be worth to the industry if you could unlock the decades of experience in your head?  

We provide a full range of management advisory, coaching and training services to contractors.  More than half of our time is directly spend on talent including preparing for succession at all levels. 

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Definition of Integrity
Your culture can be defined as the behavioral norms within your organization. Companies often define these as their values and 'Integrity' nearly always comes up.
Jack Welch - Any Jerk Short-Term Earnings
The ultimate measure of a leader is how well their business unit performs AFTER they are gone. With the construction industry talent shortages leaders must focus on building other leaders at an accelerated rate just to maintain market position.
Capital Use Policies
Capital is to contractors what blood is to our bodies. We can survive days without water and weeks without food but seconds after losing blood flow we lose consciousness. Capital enables the execution of effective talent and market strategies.