Reasons to Run

Successfully leading in the long-term requires going beyond managing to outcomes; you must dive deeply into the underlying activities, habits, behaviors, and ultimately, to the motivations that lead to those outcomes.

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Leadership Tools: Motivation for Running, Away from, Towards winning, and For pure joy, only one is sustainable.

In the short-term, you can manage simply by focusing on outputs. You want those outputs to be clearly defined as Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) that are in alignment from the company level through individual job role descriptions and are integrated into the evaluation feedback systems.  

Diving deeply into motivations, you can look at three primary reasons why someone would run.  The observation from the outside will just show three people running, but digging deeper you could find:

  1. Running from fear. Running away from something. Doesn’t want to be reprimanded or judged. Fear of job loss or similar.
  2. Running toward a goal, whether it is winning a race, dieting, etc.  

  3. Running for the pure joy and love of running.  

To some degree, all of us probably have a mixture of the above when it comes to the things we do in life and work. While you will never achieve it, your vision should be getting yourself and those you influence doing what they do mostly because they love the act of doing it.  

That is one of the key elements of a sustainable and joyful life, career, and construction company.   

Why do you run?  

Why do those around you run?  

Org Structure Planning (2X)
We would never build a project room-by-room without having an overall design. Contractors must look at their organizational structures the same way, focusing on what they want to accomplish and designing the best way to get there.
Words of Wisdom for Leading Growth
Develop a clear market strategy and set guiding principles that creates value for your customers and your business. Nurture and promote those on your team that take initiative to aggressively execute strategy while relentlessly following up on details.
Leading Change Quote - Arthur Schopenhauer
If you see something that no one else sees you are either genius or crazy of some combination of the two. If what you see is so big that you can’t ignore it be prepared for a long journey through the process of change.