Sundt and Growth of Wealth

One of the most common and dangerous misconceptions we hear about ownership in a construction company is that it’s all about perks owners get.

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Perk (/pərk/) noun:  Abbreviation of perquisite - money, goods, or other benefit to which one is ENTITLED as an employee or as a SHAREHOLDER of a company.

Succession: Investing in a Construction Business. Book: Level Headed, Inside the Walls of One of the Greatest Turnaround Stories of the 21st Century by J. Doug Pruitt and Richard Condit.

  • What kind of vehicle can I get?
  • What kind of expenses can I get reimbursed?
  • What memberships can I get paid for?
  • What travel and entertainment can I get as benefits?
  • How much time can I take off?
  • How big will my office be?  

If these are the questions that come up, they are 100% the wrong level of questions.  

The biggest “perk” to being an owner of a construction company is the opportunity for your money get a 20-35% annual rate of return versus the 8% or so that the market provides.  

Owners who are focused on exploiting that single “perk,” viewing it more as a privilege, are the ones who will truly outperform in the long run.

Sundt is a great example of this alignment

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