The Best Choice

Whether it is a decision about your best strategy or the best production plan on a project learning how to make effective choices is critical.

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Leadership Tools: The Best Choice is the one you make, the one you commit to, and the one you learn from.

If you have involved a good team then reasonably debated the options and the choice is still not clear then the best decision is usually to just decide.  

Production Tracking - 5 Key Decisions
Implementing or refining a production tracking system in construction requires 5 key decisions. These decisions vary by project and task. They change as each project team evolves their approach towards productivity improvements.
Definition - SITREP (Situation Report)
A standardized report originated in the military to provide a concise, clear update on the current situation, typically in a combat environment. The principles can be applied to projects and construction businesses.
Project Cash Metric and Cash vs. Margin Variance
Contracting is a very capital-intensive business and it is critical to constantly be watching cash flow performance. This metric is the highest level of an “OUTCOME” for cash flow at the project level, summarizing the performance of ops and accounting.