Allocation of Management Resources

Most new initiatives that contractors try often fall short of expectations due to poor management time allocation during start-up.

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We work with a lot of contractors and rarely see truly bad ideas or teams that truly can’t execute.  

Management Tools: Time Allocation for New Initiatives.

The more common problem is usually management resource constraints; especially at the critical executive leadership level.  When a new idea (or problem) comes up the best management talent can see both the mountain top, the mountain and the path to success very clearly.  

Moving from a new idea into a sustainable system managed mostly by others is the challenge.  Make sure you prioritize management time effectively on the initiatives that will have the biggest impact.   

  • Allocate enough time for truly developing the concept ensuring that the team that will be start-up and long-term management are fully in alignment.  This ALWAYS takes longer than expected
  • Allocate 2-4X that much time for heavily managing the PDCA cycle in the first 3-6 months spending a lot more time Planning, Checking and Adjusting than Doing.  This will ensure smooth scaling and easier routine management.

Learn more about how we help teams learn to execute better 

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