Be Specific About Problems

The business of construction is filled with constant problems.

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It’s not that great contractors don’t have problems, it’s that great contractors have learned how to troubleshoot first, which allows them to learn from their problems faster.  

Book: Principles by Ray Dalio. Be very specific about problems; don't start with generalizations. Avoid the anonymous "we" and "they," because they mask personal responsibility.

Ray Dalio spends a lot of time in his book “Principles - Life and Work,” describing how to make the machine (company) work better. 

  • Be very specific when identifying and then troubleshooting the problem. Generalities can’t be fixed. 
  • Keep digging until you get down to the root cause of the problem. Don’t stop when you get to the first few, seemingly obvious, answers. These are likely just proximate or contributing causes.   
  • Limit complaining. Limit blaming. Focus on solutions.   
  • Don’t worry about people being uncomfortable with the process. Nothing worth achieving in life is ever comfortable.  

How effective are your project teams at identifying problems and then putting improvements in place across the company that will help you grow sustainably?

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