BIM Culture

Virtual Design & Construction (VDC) is changing every aspect of project delivery.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture
Leadership Tools: Quote: BIM is 10% technology and 90% sociology. Scott Simpson. Book: BIM and Construction Management by Brad Hardin and Dave McCool.

There is a lot of technology involved and many technical challenges.  But ultimately the biggest challenges are about talent:

  • Working collaboratively across functional areas and companies
  • Learning new things - constantly
  • Dealing with setbacks - constantly
  • Longer range project planning than is typical
  • Planning with a greater attention to detail than is typical
  • Designing for fabrication and installation with automation where possible 
  • Greater transparency across everyone on the whole project delivery team

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We spend a lot of time improving workflows at the project and company level.  A high-involvement approach is nearly always best and that requires breaking down a lot of walls while building a culture of collaboration and problem solving without blame. 

Schedule a call to learn more. 

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