Can't Read the Label From Inside the Jar

By definition it is impossible for any of us to know what we don’t know.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture
Quote: You can't read the label from inside the jar.

Who are the top 5 people inside your organization that help each other refine your models of projects, your company and the industry? 

Who are the top 5 people you are mentoring and coaching to help them refine their models?  

Who do you turn to on the outside of your organization that is experienced and unbiased to help give you perspective?

Average is Rare and Rarely Valuable
Study the differences between the varying levels of performance and work to close those gaps. Seeing how the average is trending can be very valuable to visualizing the trajectory, and that goes for every element on a Contractor's Scoreboard.
6 Phases of the Strategy and Planning Process
The strategy and planning process for a contractor can be broken down into six phases. Each phase is integrated but has a different objective and involves different people. These phases will help you create the right process for your stage of growth.
Creative Adaptability as a Company Culture and Capability
Ensure that your business and career thrives in the current COVID shutdown and in the likely post-COVID recession. Be like Batman and build yourself into who you need to be in order to thrive in all situations.