Growth and Opportunity

Growth creates opportunity, and opportunity attracts, develops, and retains the best talent.

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Contractors that are growing profitably, have great reputations with their customers, and have a good culture are able to attract and retain the best talent even with the very real talent shortages the construction industry will face over the next 10+ years.

Scoreboard: Growth Creates Opportunity. Opportunity Attracts, Develops and Retains the Best Talent.

This is one of those major dichotomies that leaders face. You can’t grow without talent and you can’t attract talent without creating the right opportunities for career growth.  

  • Look back at your company’s growth over the last five years. How does it look?

  • What are you projecting the next couple years? 
  • Look back at your profitability, cash, safety, and customer satisfaction trends during that same period. What trends do you see?

If these all look good and are increasing:

  • How effectively are we promoting growth opportunities to candidates when we are marketing to them?

If these trends don’t look good:

  • Are we going through a stage of growth that requires us to look at our business differently?  

Sometimes, just talking to an unbiased and experienced third party can help clarify your thoughts. Contact us for a conversation.

Retirement Onboarding - Communicating Family Succession Plans
How do you effectively communicate family succession plans? With transparency in your communications, properly preparing someone for leadership, and identifying potential skill gaps and behavior problems.
Owner Occupied Real Estate for Contractors - Lease or Buy?
There isn't a simple answer to this question. Much of the advice you will get has bias attached. Start your decision making process by building your own models and making general assumptions while looking into the future. Use this Excel model to start.
Impacted Productivity - Disrupted Workflow (No Schedule "Flow")
One of the biggest impacts to productivity in construction is when tasks cannot be completed as planned. When this happens frequently, it starts to impact every aspect of the contractor’s scoreboard in a negative way starting with customer satisfaction.