Labor Productivity - How Much Could You Save?

Winners of the construction labor productivity is a game focus on minutes and seconds.

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They focus on the smallest details of every movement looking at ways to eliminate waste while lowering the burden on the labor and increasing reliability.

Field Productivity: Labor Productivity - How Much Could You Save? Graph representing annual field labor cost and additional productive minutes per day.

There are 480 minutes in an 8 hour shift.  During the typical construction day only 307 of those minutes are spent actually installing materials.  

How much could you save if you got very deliberate with your training and execution over the next year?

Improving Labor Productivity Workshop

Labor Productivity - How Much Could You Save?
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

Labor Productivity - How Much Could You Save?
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

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