Superpowers and Winning for Teams

Construction is a people-based business.

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 Business is a fun, complex and high-stakes game.  Winning is FUN!!! Contractors with teams that work together the best will win the game.

Leadership Tools: Superpowers and Winning Teams. Book: Winning by Jack Welch.

There are a couple basic exercises that can start to get teams aligned.  These two exercises are designed for teams of 3-10 people. Gathering information is best in a survey or “Post-Up” format to promote deep individual thought.  They seem simple but when facilitated correctly they bring out lots of great discussions. 

  • Superpowers:  EVERYONE has a few things that they do where they are in the top 5%.  Get everyone to identify the Top 3 Superpowers for themselves and each other.  Discuss and prioritized for each team member constantly reminding everyone that the importance is getting the right people in the right positions.  Never have the left-tackle play as quarterback and vice versa.  
  • Winning:  In a team of people everyone will like different colors, different sports teams, different cars, etc.  The one thing that EVERYONE agrees on is that they would rather win than lose. Get everyone to identify what “Winning” looks like to them (1) personally, (2) professionally in their careers, (3) for the team they are currently on and (4) for the company overall.  Discuss and refine until you get common themes.     

Having an experienced 3rd party facilitate these exercises will allow team leaders to actively participate. 

Schedule a call to learn more about this these and more comprehensive team alignment programs

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