Field Productivity Grand Slam

When contractors are truly successful at improving their field productivity it is like the 1953 World Series.

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Compare it to Mickey Mantle’s pivotal Grand Slam during game 5 of the 1953 World Series.  The bases are loaded. You are at bat. The Big Four productivity home runs:

Field Productivity: Productivity Grand Slam.
  1. Improved profitability and cash flow.
  2. Timely production feedback builds crews faster.
  3. Better production will require less people in a very tight labor market.  
  4. Consistently demonstrated competency in project delivery equals delighted customers equals sustainable growth.

Focusing on field productivity improves every aspect of a Contractor’s Scoreboard. 

Improving Labor Productivity Workshop

Labor Productivity
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

Labor Productivity
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

Construction Labor Budget - Alternate Perspective
Improving craft labor productivity in construction will significantly reduce risk while providing a long-term competitive advantage for the contractor and every team member. This alternate labor budget perspective shows different opportunities.
Best Methods for Presenting Changes During the Design-Development Phase
Always be conservative, forthright and provide a clear roadmap to successful project delivery. The biggest thing you want to avoid are changes during construction or delays. Both will impact the income projections and possibly project viability.
Building the 1000X Contractor
The craft is the foundation of the construction industry - installation delivers final value for the project owner. Aligning craft talent to build a project is difficult. Building a contracting business that consistently delivers projects is 10X harder.