Field Productivity Grand Slam

When contractors are truly successful at improving their field productivity it is like the 1953 World Series.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture

Compare it to Mickey Mantle’s pivotal Grand Slam during game 5 of the 1953 World Series.  The bases are loaded. You are at bat. The Big Four productivity home runs:

Field Productivity: Productivity Grand Slam.
  1. Improved profitability and cash flow.
  2. Timely production feedback builds crews faster.
  3. Better production will require less people in a very tight labor market.  
  4. Consistently demonstrated competency in project delivery equals delighted customers equals sustainable growth.

Focusing on field productivity improves every aspect of a Contractor’s Scoreboard. 

Improving Labor Productivity Workshop

Field Productivity Grand Slam
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

Field Productivity Grand Slam
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

Resource - Negotiation (3 Prerequisites + 4 Perspectives)
Negotiation skills will enhance nearly everything your management teams do from winning work through building the project to working with your bank and surety. This is a collection of the best resources we've used to build these capabilities.
Headcount, Management Structure, and Systems
Your management structure and systems must be able to support your forecasted 2-month peak headcount, including the ramp-up to that peak.
PICK SMART Improvements
Contractors will never have enough resources to solve all problems or take advantage of every opportunity they face. There are a couple tools that can be used to align the team around the best utilization of resources: