The Teacher and the Student in All of Us

The rate a contractor can grow is the average speed the team learns and teaches at.

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PDCA: Deming Cylce, the teacher and student in all of us.

We are all teachers and we are all students. There are many things that we can do to improve ourselves on both sides of that equation:

We are much better at the business of construction! Don’t laugh too hard at my capabilities at animation. :) 

Learn more about how we help contractors accelerate their growth through strategy, structure and the development of their talent

Labor Productivity - How Much Could You Save?
Winners of the construction labor productivity is a game focus on minutes and seconds looking at ways to eliminate waste. There are 480 minutes in an 8 hour shift. Typically only 307 of them are spent installing material. What are 10 minutes worth?
Are You Solving the Right Category of the Problem?
Effectively prioritize, define, and solve problems in your organization.
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Construction contractors can use these 18 specific tips to improve their cash flow scoreboard.