How Do You Prioritize?

The value a contractor brings to the world is the building of projects.

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Contracting businesses operate in a very competitive market with relatively low margins and high risk.  Combined with other factors this causes many contractors to focus most of their energy on winning projects, building projects and keeping customers happy.

Leadership Tools: How Do You Prioritize?

This customer-first; projects-first focus is great in the earlier stages of development but starts to impact sustainable growth over time.  Typical symptoms include:

“Leaders of companies that go from good to great start not with ‘where’ but with ‘who’. They start by getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats. And they stick with that discipline - first the people, then the direction - no matter how dire the circumstances.”

- Jim Collins

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Work Conversion Cycle and Backlog Run-Off
PARADOX: A contractor can’t focus on the bigger strategic issues until they have a predictable backlog of work. If a contractor doesn’t have a solid market strategy and organizational structure in place it’s very difficult to build a consistent backlog.
Teamwork - The Five Foundational Stages to Results
Construction is the most complex TEAM sport there is and the teams that work best together win. It is that simple. The contractors who know how to develop the best teams are thriving in all market conditions including the shortage of construction talent.
Seven Drivers of Valuation
A significant number of contractors will be going through an ownership transition during the next decade. These transitions impact many people, especially the owners and the management teams.