Our Promises

We love the construction industry. We make six promises to the industry, to our clients, to each other, and to ourselves:

D. Brown Management Profile Picture
Our Promises: To the Construction Industry, To Our Clients, To Each Other, and To Ourselves.


Our Promises in support of Our Mission to build stronger contractors

  1. We help contractors grow profitably; more profitably and faster than their industry peers and in all economic conditions.
  2. We keep pressure on your vision with aggressive strategies, tactics, and operating rhythms.
  3. We love solving really complex problems and we are relentless, which makes us really good at finding solutions.
  4. We take a hands-on approach with our clients. We focus on helping you rapidly execute your strategy.
  5. We develop strengths in individuals, we align the right people to build great teams and companies, ultimately delivering business results.
  6. We are in it with you for the long-haul, balancing out what is required in the short and mid-term with long-term sustainable growth.


Every contractor's vision and situation is unique; we understand that.  We tailor our experience, relationships, tools and training specifically for your business

All relationships begin with a conversation. Please reach out and schedule time to talk about your vision, your business, your team, and your challenges. Together, we can explore opportunities for growth and see if there is fit.

Our Promises
All about D. Brown Management: Our Mission. Our Promises. Our Principles. Our Approach. OUR RESULTS: Profitable growth in all economic conditions....

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Our Promises
All about D. Brown Management: Our Mission. Our Promises. Our Principles. Our Approach. OUR RESULTS: Profitable growth in all economic conditions....

Doing What is Necessary
We've never seen anyone who consistently did whatever it took for the team to win, including developing new capabilities, who wasn't wealthy in all aspects of their life.
Tasks vs. Key Results
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Unicorns and the Growing Contractor
If you are having consistent difficulty finding the right person for a role, you may be looking for a unicorn. Requiring unicorns to grow is a bad plan. If you do find a unicorn, just ask them where the pot of gold is and forget about construction!