The Toolbox of a Leader

Contractors know how important it is for their crafts people to have a toolbox (and bags) full of well maintained tools.

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These tools allow the experienced crafts person to effectively deal with any situation they come across on the jobsite.  

Building Your Leadership "Toolbox"

As a leader in a construction business you must build your own toolbox.  Just like the craft tools; many of the leadership tools require training, coaching and constant practice to be truly effective.  

And just like a journey level craftsperson a leader is constantly training others on how to use the tools while always continuing their road towards mastery.  

  • Strategic Planning
  • Recruiting & Talent Assessment
  • Teaching, Coaching, Mentoring & Talent Development
  • Facilitation of Different Meeting Types
  • Assessment & Integration of Technology
  • Business Process Improvement Tools & Techniques 

How full is your leadership toolbox?

How full is the leadership toolbox of your team?

What would it be worth to build and refine your leadership toolbox? 

An experienced 3rd party can bring valuable perspective and specialized skills to help your team build their toolbox. 

Schedule a call to learn more about our approach to team development. 

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