OpEx (Benchmarks, Trends, Forecasts, and Predictions)

A starting point for the various sources of information on the internal operations of a contractor including key outside partners like financing and supply chain.

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Operational Excellence (OpEx) Benchmarks, Trends, Forecasts, and Predictions including Supply Chain, Virtual Construction (BIM), Fabrication (Prefab/Manufacturing/Modularization), Fleet Management, and Financial Outcomes

This is not meant to be a complete list but rather a starting point as you develop your own information systems both internally and externally to support strategic decisions and major resource allocations. 

Financial Performance Benchmarks


Off-Site Fabrication

Construction Technology

  • JB Knowledge ConTech Report: The best starting place for all things related to construction technology including a great podcast at The ContTech Crew.
  • Large construction technology companies like Procore often have broader outlooks on technology trends they share with the rest of the industry. Obviously, some of these have some biases built in that need to be understood. 

Supply Chain

We will continually update this list but it isn't practical or helpful to have an exhaustive list as it would be information overload. Please contact us to schedule time to talk about the specifics of your company, your current information decisions, and the decisions you are working to make. We will openly share anything we can to help. 

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