Preconstruction Questions & Answers

Raymond and David tackle a variety of audience questions about preconstruction services.

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Contributors David Brown

Integrated project delivery, getting started with precon services, searching for a conceptual estimating and much more.


Learn more about building Advanced Preconstruction Services and Business Development capabilities along with other General Contractor Solutions for profitable growth in all economic conditions.   

Preconstruction Services as a Growth Strategy
Dominate your competition by contracting for preconstruction services while projects are still concepts on scratch paper. This series of videos will look at the preconstruction process from the perspective of the Project Owner, Architect, and Contractor. ...

Preconstruction Services as a Growth Strategy
Dominate your competition by contracting for preconstruction services while projects are still concepts on scratch paper. This series of videos will look at the preconstruction process from the perspective of the Project Owner, Architect, and Contractor. ...

What Do You Really Need to Be Effective?
Better tools and feedback systems will NEVER create value without the investment in training people and continuous hard work.
6 Phases of the Strategy and Planning Process
The strategy and planning process for a contractor can be broken down into six phases. Each phase is integrated but has a different objective and involves different people. These phases will help you create the right process for your stage of growth.
Sustainable Growth Through Balanced Execution
Building a construction business is different than building a construction project. You can't "Punch List" and "Complete" your business. It takes a combination of repetition, continuous improvement, and change as you operate and grow the business.