Working Like an Owner

Success in anything significant can never be guaranteed, but there are many things you can do that will nearly guarantee failure.

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This applies for your life, relationships, career, business, and sports.  

Leadership Tools: Working like an owner will not guarantee career advancement including ownership.

If you do the following consistently for five years, without any expectation in return, I can nearly guarantee that you will see opportunities open for you that few have.  After ten years, you will have opportunities that only one in a hundred people have. After twenty years, your life will be undeniably great.  

3 Facts About Ownership Transition Deal Structures
The Deal Structure including dollars, timing, terms, legal entities, taxes, and contractual documents is the most tangible part of the transaction. The Deal Structure WILL NOT do three very critical things - Cash, Capabilities, and Trust.
Discipline Vs. Motivation
Leadership requires a balance between motivation and discipline. These are two very different things and if you are relying on motivation to keep you going it is likely that you will come up short on long-term goals.
Cash Flow Myth 2 - Finance Manages Cash Flow
Finance people manage cash flow. The reality is that by the time the finance team gets involved in a cash flow problem there are very few levers they can pull.